Collaboration in Action: Uniting for Water Resilience


I'm thrilled to share insights from SIWI World Water Week, a gathering of passionate minds at the forefront of the global water crisis. As someone who embarked on the incredible journey of running 200 marathons in a year, I've witnessed the magnitude of our water challenges - scarcity, floods, pollution. Water is life, intricately woven into every facet of our existence.

My marathon journey underscored the pressing need for water resilience, a theme that echoed throughout the week. Climate change is accelerating, demanding a new approach to water management. We must create systems that withstand shocks, adapt to change, and provide equitable access. It's not just about securing a water source; it's about securing our future.

One powerful message that resonated was the strength of collaboration. Our world is interconnected, as are our water challenges. Together, governments, NGOs, businesses, and communities can achieve remarkable transformations.

What struck me was the often-overlooked devastation we've inflicted on our rivers. Drying, polluted, and dying rivers reflect a world that treats them merely as water conduits. Yet, healthy rivers are the lifeblood of our ecosystems and economies, providing drinking water, nourishing crops, generating energy, and sheltering diverse species.

Rivers are central to our most pressing challenges - from ensuring water security and food production to supplying energy and adapting to climate change. They flow with the potential to sustain us beyond imagination.

Water doesn't just flow from taps; it's nature's gift. We need to prioritize the health of our ecosystems, particularly our rivers. It's time to protect, restore, and sustainably manage them.

The urgency for action is clear, and momentum is building. SIWI World Water Week has shown that the world is awakening to water's importance and the role of healthy rivers. It's a call to action for all of us.

Let's unite, restore, and secure a thriving future for water, nature, and humanity. 🏞️💧🌍


Why I Run


Emceeing the UN HLPF's Special Event on SDG6 and the Water Action Agenda.